• Research on the Social Economy Policy of UK Government (2010~2019) and its implication for the Seoul Social Economy Centre

  • Research on the Data-driven city policies (London and Barcelona) for Korean Information Society Agency


  • Liaise between the President of Public Health Director Association and the Daegu Technopark for the International Open Forum of the post Corona era



  • Research on the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Fab-City Strategy - European City case study with the Seoul National University

  • Advise on organising the Hallym University International Social Innovation Forum & present *** (attend as the guest speaker)


  • Organise and run the UK Co-operative School Study Trip program (Manchester and London) for the Education Board of the Gyeognam Province

  • Organise and run the social enterprise best practice study trip for the social entrepreneurs funded by the Korean Social Enterprise Promotion Agency

  • Liaise between the Korean MPs and the London urban regeneration experts

  • Liaise between the Manchester Living Lab, Digital Catapult and the Daegu Technopark

  • Liaise between Hankook Daily Newspaper and Community Development Trust best practices in Manchester and Liverpool

  • Liaise between Scottish social economy cases and the Hallym University


  • Produce the digital storytelling content on social innovators stories called “Unusual Suspects Stories” for Social Innovation eXchange funded by the Seoul Innovation Centre



  • Research on the Blockchain for the Platform Cooperatives and Governance as the part of for the Hanshin University

  • Research on the Unusual Suspects Storytelling project for the SIX (Social Innovation eXchange) and the Seoul Innovation Centre


  • Organise and run the London Social Economy Study Trip Program for the LH Corporation and Gyeongnam Social Economy Support Centre

  • Organise and run the London/Amsterdam Social Innovation Study Trip Program for the Social Innovation Task Force Team at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Korea

  • Organise and run the Community Care Research Trip for the Seoul Welfare Foundation and the Seoul Metropolitan Government

  • Liaise between the Ansan City Council and the Allies and Morrison, London on developing the Smart City Development Framework in the Ansan 89 Block

  • Liaise between the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency and the World Social Enterprise Forum



  • Research on the Seoul Innovation Park long-term development strategy for the Seoul Innovation Park with Social Innovation eXchange (서울 혁신 파크 장기 발전 전략 수립 )

  • Research on the local government devolution and innovation strategy for the Jaeju Local Government (제주도 지방정부 혁신 전략 수립)


  • Organise and run the London/Amsterdam Social Innovation Study Trip Program for the Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시 사회혁신 기획연수 기획, 진행 및 통역 - 식스와 공동주최로 런던-암스테르담 사회혁신 기관 방문 및 워크샵)

  • Organise and run the Glasgow/Edinburgh/Newcastle Social Economy Study Trip Program for the Daegu Social Economy Support Centre (사회적경제 지역정부 정책 및 돌봄 사례 연수 기획, 진행 및 통역 - 대구 사회적경제 지원 센터 글라스고우/에딘버러/뉴카슬)


  • Liaise between the Ansan City Council and the Allies and Morrison, London on developing the framework of the Choji station and the Daegu Island development (안산시 초지역 역세권지역 및 대부도 도시개발 계획 프레임워크 개발 - 런던 알리슨 앤 모리슨 건축사 프로젝트 진행



  • Organise and host the Korea school cooperatives session at the Cooperative Education Conference (맨체스터 협동조합 컬리지 주최 2016 협동조합 교육 컨퍼런스의 한국 학교협동조합 세션 기획 및 진행)

  • Present “People-powered and Community-led Housing Development – the UK cases” at the Asian Future Forum (한겨레신문 주최 제7회 아시아미래포럼 발표, “시민중심의 공동체형 주택 개발 - 영국 사례를 중심으로”)

  • Present “Review the UK Social Economy Scene and Background based on the historical context and the related policies and laws” at the social economy based urban generation guru symposium hosted by the Ansan City (안산시 주최 사회적경제 기반 도시재생 전문가 초청 심포지엄 발표 - “영국 사회적경제 톺아보기 - 역사적 배경과 정책, 법령을 중심으로”)

  • Conduct the case studies on community-led housing and cooperative housing in UK (Bristol Community Land Trust, Ashley Vale self-build housing, Rochdale Boroughwide Housing and Walse Government Cooperative Housing policies) supported by the Seoul Social Economy Support Centre (서울시 사회적 경제 지원센터 지원 영국의 커뮤니티 주도 주택, 공동체 토지 신탁, 협동조합 주택 사례 연구조사 수행)

  • Advise the Seoul Social Innovation Park review team to set a new strategy of the Seoul Social Innovation Park and conduct the research interviews with the Bilbao Social Innovation Park (서울시 사회혁신 파크 전략 리뷰 컨설팅 자문 및 빌바오 사회혁신파크 대상 관련주제 인터뷰 수행)


  • Organise and host the community participating urban regeneration study trip in London for the SeongBuk Cultural Foundation (성북문화재단 커뮤니티 참여 도시재생 런던 연수 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Organise and host the social innovation study trip in London and Berlin with SIX (Social Innovation eXchange) for Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시 사회혁신 기획연수 기획, 진행 및 통역 - 식스와 공동주최로 런던-베를린 사회혁신 기관 방문 및 워크샵) 

  • Organise and host the study trip in London for Seoul Community Support Centre - “Social Impact Measuring for Community Projects” (서울시 마을공동체지원센터 커뮤니티 프로젝트의 사회적 영향도 평가 연수 기획, 진행 및 통역  - 런던 사회적 영향도 기관 및 커뮤니티 자치 단체 방문) 

  • Organise and host the urban regeneration study trip in London and Bristol for the AnSan City and the Gyeonggi Technopark (안산시/경기도 테크노파크 도시재생 런던-브리스톨 연수 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Organise and host the health program for the disabled study trip in London for the Korean Federation of Organisations of the Disabled (장애인 인권연대의 장애인 건강 자기관리 프로그램 사례연구를 위한 런던 연수 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Organise the series of research interviews on the digital social innovation(DSI) in EU with STEPI (Science and Technology Policy Institute) - visiting DSI intermediaries, policy teams and practitioners in Manchester, London, Amsterdam and Brussel (과학기술정책연구원과 공동으로 유럽의 디지털 사회혁신 현황 및 정책 위한 연구 인터뷰 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Organise the series of research interviews on the UK cooperative intermediaries for KDI(Korea Development Institute) and the Mistry of Strategy and Finance (협동조합 2차 기본계획 수립을 위한 영국 협동조합 중간지원조직 및 협동조합 연구 인터뷰 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Liaise the UK urban generation cases (Prof. Peter Bishop, Kings Cross, London Olympic Park and Brick Lane) for the Vice MayorII for Administrative Affairs of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시 행정2부시장 런던 도시재생 전문가 및 사례 방문 기획, 진행 및 통역) 

  • Liaise the UK social innovation organisations(Young Foundation and Hackney Wick) and guide to visit the urban regeneration case (Kings Cross regeneration site) for the Vice Mayor for Politics Affairs of Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Director General of Social Innovation Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시 정무부시장, 서울시 사회혁신기획관의 런던 사회혁신기관, 공유경제팀, 지역재생 사례 방문 기획, 진행 및 통역)

  • Liaise the social economy based urban generation cases for the HanKyoReh news report (한겨레 신문의 런던 사회적경제 기반 도시재생 사례 취재 섭외 및 통역)

  • Interpretation for the social economy based urban generation guru symposium (Prof. Peter Bishop at UCL and Dominic Ellison at HCD) hosted by the Ansan City (안산시 사회적경제 기반 도시재생 전문가 초청 심포지엄 - 전문 통역)

  • Presented the Social Innovation projects at the Social Innovation Center of the Seoul Social Innovation Park - “Social Innovation Exchange & Summer School: Social innovation in divided societies” (서울시 사회혁신파크내 사회혁신센터 주최 공개포럼 초청 발표 - “사회혁신 네트워크 식스와 섬머스쿨 - 양극화된 사회 속 사회혁신”)

  • Interpretation at “An evening with Tim Draimin - Roundtable with Korean social entrepreneurs” organised by C. and NPO IT Support Center (NPO IT 지원센터와 씨닷이 주최한 Social Innovation Generator (SiG) 의 팀 드래이먼 간담회 전문 통역)

  • Interpretation at “An evening with Louise Pulford - A Masterclass at C.School” organised by C. and Youth Hub (청년허브와 씨닷이 주최한 Social Innovation eXchange 의 루이스 풀포드 워크샵 전문 통역)


  • Produce the storytelling digital contents, “The Mutual Future”, on community ownership, cooperative housing and cooperative schools, which includes the story, video interviews, and case study reports (공동체 소유, 협동조합 주택, 협동조합 학교 등의 사례를 통해 제안하는 “호혜적 미래” - 멀티미디어 다큐멘터리, 사례조사 보고서 포함)

  • Write a special report on BREXIT for the SisaIN magazine (시사IN 커버스토리, 브렉시트 국민투표 긴급 리포트)    

  • Write articles on the UK social economy and social innovation cases for the HERI review (한겨레신문 헤리리뷰 영국 사회적경제 사례 소개 원고 정기 필진)

  • Write articles on social innovation practices for the web magazine, Wa, published by the Suwon Lifelong Learning Centre (수원평생교육학습관 - 유럽의 사회혁신 사례 소개 정기 필진 )



  • Research the UK co-operative education curriculum and textbook for the Korea National University of Education (교원대학교) as the part of the research for the primary and secondary school social economy education curriculum and textbook development

  • Research the UK Social Enterprise states, policies, law and ecosystems for the College of Global Cooperation, HanShin University (한신대학교, 사회혁신경영대학원)

  • Research the mid and short-term strategy for the Global Social Economy Forum

  • Research the EU digital social innovation policies and intermediaries for the STEPI (한국과학정책연구원)


  • Organise and host the social enterprise study visit for the Social Venture Competition winners hosted by the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (한국사회적기업진흥원) & the SK Happiness Foundation (SK 행복재단)

  • Organise and host the social innovation study visit in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh for the College of Global Cooperation, HanShin University (한신대학교, 사회혁신경영대학원)

  • Organise and host the UK co-operative school visit for the Seoul School Co-operatives Promotion Council(서울 학교협동조합 추진단) and the Seoul School Co-operatives

  • Organise and host the social innovation study trip in London and Lisbon with SIX (Social Innovation eXchange) for Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시) 

  • Organise and host the study trip in London - "Urban regeneration based on social economy" with the Hope Institute (희망제작소) for the Local Governors Club (목민관클럽) 

  • Liaise the UK charity organisations (ACEVO, NCVO, Charity Commission) for the Kook-Min Ilbo (국민일보) on reporting "UK giving culture and systems" 

  • Liaise the UK local currency note printing company for the Social Finance Research Institute 




  • Organise and host social innovation study trip in London and Totnes with SIX(Social Innovation eXchange) for Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시)

  • Research the citizen engagement programmes of the Seoul Metropolitan Government funded by the Social Frontier conference organised by NESTA and publish the research report "Seoul City's Social Innovation Strategy: a model of multi-channel communication to strengthen governance and citizen engagement"

  • Liaise and co-conduct the research meetings with Community Link, Cabinet Office, Locality and Robin Murray for the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (한국보건사회연구원)

  • Advise the research on "the Circle" model conducted by the Korean Women's Development Institute (여성정책연구원)

  • Liaise the partnership meetings with JP Morgan Foundation and social enterprises/intermediaries in Seoul Korea 

  • Liaise and co-conduct the research meetings with the UK volunteer organisations (National Council For Voluntary Organisations, Institute for Volunteering Research, Cabinet Office, and Office for Civil Society) for the Volunteering Korea (한국자원봉사협의회)

  • Liaise the UK community organisations (Meanwhile Space, Springhill Co-Housing and Hull Development Trust) for the Ohmynews (오마이뉴스) on reporting "Return of Communities"

  • Research the Social Innovation Landscape in Asia with the Hope Institute funded by the Rockefellor Foundation

  • Organise the ANIS(Asian NGO Innovation Summit) 2013 with the Hope Institute (희망제작소)

  • Liaise with Community Link, Plunkette Foundation, and Ballymun Regeneration Ltd for the Korea Local Press Commission (지역신문발전위원회) and co-conduct news report coverage.

  • Organise and host the NPO fundraising and marketing study trip for the National Council of NPO Korea funded by the Korea Foundation 

  • Liaise the research meetings with the Co-operative Enterprise Hub team of the Co-operative Group and the Co-operative College for the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (사회적기업진흥원)

  • Liaise the speakers for the Asia Future Forum 2013 organised by the HanKyoReh

  • Research the Landscape of the Co-operative Intermediaries in UK commissioned by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (한국보건사회연구원)


  • Liaise and co-conduct the research meetings with Big Society Capital, Venturesome, New Philanthropy Capital, Charity Bank, Social Finance and Social Investment Business for the Korea Social Finance Institute (한국사회적금융연구원)

  • Research the Social Innovation Landscape in Asia with the Hope Institute funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

  • Organise the ANIS(Asian NGO Innovation Summit) 2012 with the Hope Institute (희망제작소)

  • Liaise between Korean policymakers (from Ministry of Strategy and Finance) and UK co-operators and legal experts on co-operative law at the Co-operatives United and ICA Expo (Manchester) 

  • Facilitate knowledge exchange between UK community-led organisations and Social Innovation Bureau and Seoul Community Support Centre of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시)